how to newline bold italic underline in HTML

If we write something on our webpage and display it on webpage then we can write it in body of HTML.Like we write some paragraph in MS Word and just press Enter button for go to new line but in HTML go to newline used tag.
The above picture of editor we just press enter for go to new line but when we see the result is
This pictuer is show that in editor we just press enter and go to new line but when we see the webpage the result show same line not go to new line.For this purpose we used HTML tag for go to newline.The new line tag is <br> . br not has end tag. 
So now how to bold a word or line .HTML is used <b></b> tag for bold the word or line. A word or line become bold that within tag tag of bold.
The picture is show the tag of bold that is used for bold the word . After used tag of bold the result is
If we want the word become Italic then we used Italic tag. In HTML here is 2 tags that is used for Italic the word.
  1. <i> </i>
  2. <em> </em>
both tags are used to Italic the word.
After used Italic tag the result is
So now we discuss about how to Underline  a important line or word by using HTML.
For underline line or word in HTML <u> </u> tag is used .
The line or word that is between start and end tag of underline is become underline.
The word is become underline in webpage that is between <u> tag.


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